


Flooding can occur from any size body of water, with some appearing as ephemeral streams in areas such as a ravine where water does not normally flow but does during a precipitation event. It is important to remember that water will flow to the lowest point in an area. This is usually noticeable by ruts and grooves carved by previous high water events, but can be found in areas where the ground has been recently disturbed such as an area being excavated or cleared. To help prepare yourself and your family for flood events you should build an emergency kit that includes a battery powered or crank radio, a 3-day supply of food and water, a flashlight, batteries, first aid kit, medication, sanitation items, emergency blanket, baby and pet supplies, rain gear, multitool, and a map of the surrounding area. You should also create a family evacuation plan for instructions of what to do during a flood event. If you have to leave your home make sure that you secure your home by locking doors, disconnecting the power, and closing and locking windows.

Flash Flood

A sudden local flood, typically due to heavy rain. This type of flooding typically begins within 3-6 hours of the onset of heavy rainfall but can occur much sooner. Flooding can also occur due to the failure of a dam or levee and/or from mudslides. Flash flooding is common in West Virginia due to our mountainous topography causing water to rapidly run off steep inclines and into waterways. One of the greatest dangers of flash flooding is the speed by which the flooding occurs catching many people off guard, resulting in a larger loss of life than other types of flooding. Many people also underestimate the power that the water possesses. Flash flooding has the ability to carry cars away, rip trees from the ground, and wash away buildings and bridges. If you encounter high water, you should never try to cross it. Whether you are on foot or in a vehicle, flood waters pose a serious danger. Six inches of water cause many drivers to lose control of their vehicle, a foot of water will float most vehicles, and two feet of water can carry the majority of vehicles away, including trucks and SUV’s. Urban areas are more prone to flash flooding due to the excess of impervious surfaces, i.e., sidewalks, roads, and building roofs that do not allow water to percolate into the ground. These surfaces prevent absorption of rainfall and instead causes it to rapidly cross the ground to waterways and streams, further raising water levels at excelterated rates. Recent heavy rainfall and even droughts can increase the risk of flash flooding. When recent heavy rainfall occurs it overstaurates the ground with water and doesn’t allow for the water to drain into the soil. Dry weather and droughts cause a similar problem by causing the surface of the ground to become hard and compacted which prevents ground absorption and leading to the water flowing rapidly across the ground. Flash flooding is quick to raise, but is usually quick to fall as well, though this is not always the case. IF flash flooding is occurring near you, find high ground on foot immediately.

Emergency Contact: Call 911

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Riverine Flood

A flood that occurs when rivers overflow their banks and flow into surrounding areas. This type of flooding is caused by a long period of heavy rainfall and can persist for days or even weeks depending on the severity. Though loss of life is possible with this type of flooding, the more common risk associated with riverine flooding is property damage. Riverine flooding, or river flooding is classified as either Minor, Moderate, or Major based on how high the water has climbed and how it has impacted the areas surrounding the river. Minor river flooding means that water has reached low-lying areas that directly surround the stream such as the floodplains. Moderate river flooding occurs when the water level has raised high enough to affect nearby homes and businesses. Moderate flooding may require some level of evacuation of the local populace. Major river flooding happens when extensive flooding occurs that may reach highways, interstates, and entire townships. Large scale evacuation is almost always required in major flooding events. During extended, heavy rainfall events it is recommended to stay updated with flood severity by watching or listening to local news stations. If water levels are rising in your area try to find higher ground or higher stories of your home that contain a window for possible evacuation.

Emergency Contact: Call 911

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