Radiological Issues


Radiological Issues


A chemically inert, radioactive gaseous element produced by the decay of radium: emissions produced by outgassing of rock, brick, etc. are a health hazard. Radon gas can harm you when breathed in and the radioactive particles become trapped with your lungs. Over the course of years these particles increase your risk of lung cancer and is in fact the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States behind smoking. Radon is odorless and invisible and can only be detected by a specialized radon detector. You should test your home if you have never tested your home's radon levels, if you are preparing to buy or sell, before or after renovations, and if someone plans to spend long hours in a basement or lower level of the house. If radon is detected and is above 4 picocuries per liter you should consider installing a radon reduction system. There are also several steps to help in reducing radon exposure in your home. These include increasing the airflow in your home by opening windows or using fans, seal cracks in floors and walls, and ask about radon-resistant construction techniques. It is worth mentioning that smoking increases your risk of lung cancer after radon exposure by tenfold.

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Power Plants

A plant, including engines, dynamos, etc., and the building or buildings necessary for the generation of power, such as electric or nuclear power. Living within close proximity to a power plant could lead to adverse health concerns due to airborne pollutants. These pollutants can lead to the development of heart and lung disease, increased risk of respiratory and cardiac symptoms, and on average leads to a greater number of emergency room visits and premature deaths than communities that do not live near power plants. There is also an increased risk of mercury exposure that can lead to a range of health concerns from cancer to immune system damage.

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The unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives. Terrosism can take the form of various acts of violence ranging from chemical, biological, explosive, and firearm use. If you suspect someone of participating in terrorism you should notify the local law enforcement immediately. Do not confront the individual(s).

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